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How to Improve Focus

By Kris Powers | March 23rd 2022

Working female looking distractedly away from her laptop

On a really tight schedule? Or maybe you work from home and there are constant distractions? You have a deadline for work due Friday, you blinked and now it’s Wednesday! Life can creep up on you, but if you can improve your focus, you can meet those deadlines. Below are a few suggestions that work wonders for beating distractions.

Instead of medication try meditation! Naturally prepare your mind for focus. Meditation can include deep breathing exercising throughout the day, or a more formal break in the middle of work for a quick refresh.

Designated work areas are critical in maximizing your focus. Get into your space and allow for some private work time. The clean and comfortable environment will help you focus and complete your tasks.

Taking a 10-minute break in between long periods of work helps to clear your mind. When you come back you can have a fresh view of what you are working on.