E-books vs. Hard Copy - Pros and Cons of Each

Image of a bookshelf on a laptop

Whether you take remote or in-person courses you may have the choice between a hard copy book or an electronic “e-book”. If you have the choice, it might be best to select the book format based on the type of learner you are (visual, reading/writing, kinesthetic, etc.). Below we weigh the positives and negatives on hard copy and electronic books.

Hard copy books are excellent for all types of learners. When you are a Kinesthetic or Reading/Writing learner you may be more drawn to having a hard copy to touch and make notes inside. It is much easier to flip back and forth between pages, and for these types of learners it is a better way to remember where you may have read the material and found information. The downside to hard copy books is that the cost is usually more, and they are not easily transportable as they are heavy to carry around and lug from place to place. If you can find used hard copy books or rent them, it can help defray the costs.

E-books are a great choice for Visual and Auditory learners. When you’re a visual learner you learn and remember the information better by seeing the diagrams, charts or graphs. Auditory learners may benefit from e-books the most because they may come with an auditory option that plays when you turn the pages on your e-book. Electronic books are also the opposite of hard copy in that they are more affordable and can easily be brought anywhere. You can use them on a tablet, your phone, lap top, kindles, etc. The downside is that for kinesthetic learners it may be more difficult to retain information when you aren’t able to write down or physically be able to flip between pages.

Finding out what kind of learner you are can help you understand how you will retain information better! Explore the different types of learning styles and see which type you relate most to!

Ed4Career offers one of the largest proprietary career vocational certification catalogs available on the market today. Our curriculum design staff creates each course based on Best Practices, with the knowledge of online adult learning principles so that the student gains a better understanding of the topic they are studying through reinforcing the concepts. Our courses are self-paced and incorporate a variety of learning methods and varied multi-media. This type of learning encourages adults to see their education as a portal to ongoing life-long learning about themselves, their world, and their industry. Contact us to learn more!


By Kris Powers | March 8th 2022

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