Ed4Career Blog | Category: Online Education

Fit Lifelong Learning into Your Schedule

By Kris Powers | September 19th 2018

Desk with laptop and clock

Individuals of all ages should seek out opportunities for learning to enable them to stay current and informed. Whether for personal or professional development, learning something new offers many benefits, including better mental health. And who doesn’t want that? But finding the time for learning? Sometimes, that’s not easy. For working professionals, after-work hours are at a premium. And for most of us, the idea of fitting one more item into an already jam-packed schedule threatens to put us over the edge.

Improve Productivity

Who doesn’t want to learn how to improve themselves with tips on motivation, self-control, and productivity? Learning how to better manage yourself and your time is key to living a fulfilling life.

Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

By Kris Powers | September 5th 2018

Individual in super hero cap standing on top of a mountain

The premise behind "failing forward" is that we should learn from our mistakes and become better because of them. Setbacks shouldn’t hold us back, they should give us the knowledge we need to move forward.

5 Decisions to Make More Often

By Kris Powers | August 23rd 2018

Young lady turning questions into decisions

Most of the decisions we make each day don’t require much thought. In fact, many decisions are made either unconsciously or very quickly out of habit. But are the quick decisions made from habit what’s best for us? Have we become so complacent in some areas of our lives that we don’t even realize we have a choice anymore?

Attractive man with arms raised in success in front of laptop

Online education, when done right, is no easier than education provided in a brick and mortar building. However, to be a successful online learner requires a certain skill set. For some, these skills are innate. For others, they may need to be learned and practiced.

Understanding the 5 Moments in Which We Learn

By Kris Powers | August 8th 2018

A woman problem solving

As a student, understanding what moment of need you are seeking to meet can help you select the best type of course or learning method to reach your goals.

6 Steps to Turn Your Passion Into a Career

By Kris Powers | July 18th 2018

A happy woman on her laptop

87.7 percent of America’s workforce is not able to contribute to their full potential because they don’t have passion for their work. Don't be a statistic!

Student at laptop

With the rise of online learning institutions and adult learning scholarship programs, there are more viable options to study for a degree later in life.

Take a Break and Boost Productivity

By Kris Powers | June 13th 2018

Items to help with time management and productivity

These breaks improve productivity and might help you go back to your current feeling refreshed. Give them a try!

Image of a desk with an alarm clock

Learn more about the importance of taking frequent breaks to allow your mind to recharge and improve motivation here.