Ed4Career Blog | Category: Career Training

The 9 Mentors You Need

By Kris Powers | January 31st 2017


Look for mentors that know when to step in, when to push, when to teach and when to inspire.

Bettering Yourself in 2017

By Kris Powers | January 10th 2017

Goldfish jumping from smaller fish bowl to larger one

For the last few years, my daily mantra has been, “Today, my goal is to be better than I was yesterday.”

The Top 20 Fastest Growing Jobs by 2024

By Kris Powers | September 27th 2016

Image of various professionals

If you are looking to enter the job market or are considering switching careers, this list is a "must read"!

Credentials Matter: The Value of Certification

By Kris Powers | August 9th 2016

Career training courses that offer certification can provide learners with a less expensive alternative to traditional degree programs as well as provide a faster pathway to job opportunities.

Develop a Career Vision Statement in 7 Easy Steps

By Kris Powers | July 19th 2016

Adult female student

Are you where you want to be in your professional life or does it feel like something is missing?

The Shortage of Skilled Workers in America

By Kris Powers | June 7th 2016

In many high schools across the nation, shop class is non-existent. Consequently, so are the potential trades-people that are born out of that early exposure to tools and machinery. What is America going to do without skilled workers who can build and fix things?

Nurture Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

By Kris Powers | May 31st 2016

Do you have a skill or talent that can fill a need in the marketplace? In today’s ever-changing economy; the idea of being your own boss may be very appealing.