Bring More Happiness into Your Daily Life


We all know that stress can affect our bodies and our health, and research suggests that stress can negatively impact chemical reactions in the brain’s learning and memory region.

The challenge then is to introduce new ways to reduce levels of stress in our lives while increasing levels of happiness. Sounds easy, right?

Try these simple tips to bring more happiness into your daily life:

  • Laugh. Whether it’s watching a funny video, reading a funny story or even telling a joke; find time to add a bit of humor to your day.

  • Set small, attainable goals for yourself. The sense of accomplishment will feel great and will provide motivation. 

  • Seek out face-to-face time with friends and colleagues. Take time to really connect with one another.  Likewise, limit your time with people who tend to bring negativity to your interactions.  These people can drain the happiness right out of your day; so protect yourself by letting them into your life sparingly, if at all.

  • Find joy in the smallest of things. Whether finding a rainbow or noticing the colors of the sunset in the evening, take time to pause and appreciate the beauty surrounding you.

  • Give thanks.  Find small moments of gratitude throughout the day.  Practicing an ‘attitude of gratitude’ sets us up for a more positive mindset as we move throughout our day.

  • Be open to new experiences.  Keep learning; take online classes, webinars, attend conferences or lectures in your area.  Enroll in an art class or a writing class, join a social group; whatever brings a smile to your face – do it!

  • Bring something fresh and new into your home, office or workspace.  A new plant, a pretty picture, a memento from a recent vacation. 

  • Work to your strengths.  If you are a night owl, try to arrange your schedule to do most of your heavy thinking to the later hours of the day, and leave the lighter tasks for those times when you might not be at peak performance.

  • Don’t procrastinate.  Procrastination can weigh so much heavier than actually facing the chore or work you are avoiding. Just do it.

  • Live in the present moment instead of worrying about tomorrow. Focus on the “now” and do what you can to bring you the most happiness today.

  • Practice mindfulness. Being more aware of our senses as well as our inner emotions can bring the benefit of a more focused and relaxed outlook. Try it!  

  • Let nature heal you.  Go for a walk, or simply sit outside to get a breath of fresh air. 

  • Reset and relax.  Whenever you feel tension creeping up on you, find a quiet spot, close your eyes and relax – if only for a moment.  This allows the body to hit a small “reset” button and can bring a wonderful sense of calm and release to your day.

There are many more ways to reduce stress and bring more happiness to your life.  The key is to find what works for you!

By Kris Powers | June 18th 2013

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