Pick Three Wins for the Day

A few years ago, I stumbled upon an informative and inspirational blog post; "5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long” by James Reinhart.

As I am always on the lookout for tricks and tools to help me become more efficient, I was interested to see what he had to say. Among his toolbox of suggestions was one that excited me and motivated me to action; “Pick Three Wins for the Day.” As I’ve continued to put his advice into action over the past few years and have found it to positively impact my day, I wanted to share it with you again.

James wrote that in the morning you should “Decide on the three things that you'd like to accomplish in the next 12 hours in order for you to feel like the day was a success”. Doing this at the start of every day will allow you to map out your day’s actions accordingly to try to reach your three “wins” before your head hits the pillow that night.  It’s goal setting, but in a fun and simplified manner. We’re not talking lifelong goals, monthly goals or even weekly goals. It’s basic - what will make you feel like your day has been a success?

For the online student, an example of a “three daily win” list might read:

1.    Complete the next module in my online course and pass the module exam with a 75% grade or higher. In order to have the highest success of attaining this goal, the next step would involve estimating the time needed to complete that course section as well as allowing time to study for the exam. Block out the time on a daily planner and move on to #2.

2.    Arrange for online tutoring in a subject that is giving me trouble. That might include sending an email to a tutoring center, or exploring online help centers. 

3.    Post a reply in the online classroom forum. Reach out to other students taking the course to share inspiration and motivation. Consider connecting through social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter to get to know one another better.

Of course, not every day will be a complete success. But by mapping out your daily goals, the steps and time necessary to attain them, you will be well on your way to feeling accomplished at the end of the day. And that’s a pretty powerful feeling.

What will your three wins be for today?

By Kris Powers | February 2nd 2016

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