Our Medical Billing & Coding Specialist program prepares individuals for a rewarding career in the medical field. Billing and Coding Specialists are an intricate part of all medical practices and are primarily responsible for organizing patient files and making sure that notes about exams and treatment regimens are accurate and accessible, process payments, including sending out bills and dealing with insurance claims. Our training begins with Medical Terminology; common medical terminology is a critical part of the language used by health care practitioners.
Medical Coding is listed as one of the fastest growing professions in allied health. Our Medical Coding Specialist program covers not only Medical Coding, but includes a full course in Medical Terminology which is imperative to being successful in the field of medical coding.
Our Medical Billing Specialist program will prepare students for a careen in one of the fastest growing health professions. Medical Billing is listed as one of the fastest growing professions in allied health. The medical industry is experiencing a tremendous demand for individuals with knowledge of medical office operations, terminology and includes diagnostic and procedural insurance forms processing.
If you've ever thought about becoming a home health aide, our Home Health Aide (HHA) Associate program could help you learn essential, practical skills needed for a career as a home health aide. Begin this program by quickly mastering the basics of medical terminology and begin speaking and writing terms almost immediately! This course omits time-consuming, nonessential information and helps you build a working medical vocabulary of the most frequently encountered suffixes, prefixes, and word roots. An HHA records services performed, as well as the patient's condition and progress.
Our Electronic Health Records Specialist with Medical Billing program will help you gain a better understanding of the EHR systems and the practical use of such systems in a health care provider office setting, while learning about medical office operations, including diagnostic and procedural insurance forms processing.
Our Electronic Health Records program is an on-line, self-paced program aimed to arm you with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve accreditation as a Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS).
The Dental Office Assistant program delivers all the latest information and skill practice you need to succeed in the paperless era: technology, forms, and equipment in use today; up-to-date coding information; HIPAA and OSHA guidelines; functions of the dental business office; communication and critical thinking exercises; and in-depth instruction for completing common tasks such as scheduling, bookkeeping, electronic record regulations and insurance coding.
EKG Technicians are in high demand! EKG Technicians work in hospitals, health care centers, physician’soffices and other healthcare facilities. In the next five years, the number of positions as an EKG Tech will increase by approximately 25%! Our course will provide students with comprehensive, up-to-date information of the day to day functions and procedures carried out by the EKG Technician.
Have you thought about working with other professionals providing health care to patients? Are you a good team player? As a Clinical Medical Assistant you will work closely with patients and physicians; take vital signs, interview patients, record patient information, and provide point-of-care testing. Clinical Medical Assistants are projected to be among the fastest growing occupations in the next 5 years. Our course will also provide you with the latest HIPAA regulations, the Electronic Health Record, and how to care for special populations.
Our Veterinary Office Assistant + Microsoft® Office program outlines step-by-step instructions for completing the daily tasks of a veterinarian office while also getting you up to speed quickly on the newest version of Microsoft Office.
**Office 2016 is available upon request.